Monday, November 7, 2011


To get this out of the way, I know that I haven't blogged in quite a number of months. I have no real excuse for not doing so, other than the fact that I got kind of lazy, and I didn't really think anyone read this. Anyway, with that said..Time to blog!

2 Corinthians 5:17 - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, a new creation has come: the old is gone, the new is here!"

Today is a very special day for me, for two reasons. It's my Aunt Vicki's Birthday today, she passed away at the end of 2008, at the age of 35. Two years later, I was still having a hard time understanding just why she had to go so young [and I still wonder this]. I ended up hearing about a concert at a local church from one of my best friends, was a skeptic at first, but then I thought "I need a place to come to terms with the loss of my Aunt," and in my mind, no place made more sense to me then a I went, and 1 year ago today, November 7th, 2010, I was saved. My life has really been forever changed since then. I'm forever thankful, and now blessed with an amazing church family.

Lately though, I've been really down on myself, and I sort of blocked out that I have God in my life for a while. Ironically enough, it took another concert [Third Day/Tenth Avenue North/Trevor Morgan] to show me that God is still here, just as He was before I even accepted Him into my life. That's what really inspired this blog today. Sometimes, we all need a little reminder...Today, I'm thanking God for continuing to show me You are there, just when I start to think You aren't. Thank you for saving me. I love you.

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