I can write all day. I can write all night. Will anyone read this? Is the time right?
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Letters To God.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Never Alone
Last night before bed, I was reading Traveling Light by Max Lucado. I got to the chapter about the burden of loneliness. This chapter talked about how we are never alone, and showed many examples where we are told this - the above verse is just one more example. It's said so many times in the Bible, He wants us to know that we are never alone. In Traveling Light, Max pointed out that sometimes when we are alone, we may do something because we are bored or have nothing else to do. When I read that, I thought, "yeah, Max is definitely right", he points out that maybe God wants us to do that very thing we wouldn't normally do for one reason or another.
When I think about it like that, I realize how far from true loneliness we really are. Next time you think you're alone, take that time to get even closer to God - I know I will, because He's there even when no one else is.
P.S. If you haven't read Traveling Light by Max Lucado - look into it, I think you might enjoy it.
Friday, June 3, 2011
He Is My Strength
Every now and then I think we all need a little reminder of why we're here, and who keeps us going everyday. For me, that is the Lord. My life has been pretty hectic lately, (honestly, who's hasn't?) but I sat back and realized all the wonderful things I've been blessed with recently. Amazing people have come into my life, my life has been more fulfilled than it has in a long time. What I'm trying to say is this -- to get to the good times, you need to get through the bad ones first. The only way you can get through bad times is with strength. The Lord will give you the strength to get through anything in life as long as you trust in Him. He will never fail you.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Take Delight in the Lord
Psalm 37:4-6 - Take delight in the Lord,and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn,your vindication like the noonday sun.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Easter - Not All About Peeps!

Let's not forget what Easter is all about. It's not all about the candy and the amazing food [although we do love all those things], it's really about the resurrection of Jesus. He was crucified, He died for our sins. We all need to remember that, not just on Easter, but we need to remember,and be thankful for that every single day. I, myself am guilty of forgetting this, especially recently. I've been going through a lot of emotional battles lately, and found myself questioning everything once again. Something triggered within me a few days ago, I realized Easter was approaching, and I remembered just what Easter was all about [No, I'm sorry - it's not Peeps!], and I said to myself "what am I doing? How could I be so miserable when someone so wonderful gave His life for me?" I needed that realization, and He knew that. So now, I'm asking anyone reading this to realize today and everyday here after, that He gave his life for us. I know I will be forever thankful.
Happy Easter Everyone!